Rise Against Hunger
Rise Against Hunger is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. Rise Against Hunger meal packaging volunteers produce millions of nutritious meals annually that are then distributed to partners in countries around the world. Annually, on World Communion Sunday, First Presbyterian Church of Americus participates in a […]
Over two decades ago the church had a vision to reach out with the gospel by broadcasting the Sunday worship service over WISK FM radio. Listeners are encouraged to download bulletins from this web site and email or call in prayer requests.
Missionary Support:
Reaching out in love in places beyond our bounds, the church partners with a variety of missionaries who are involved in sharing the gospel in creative and loving ways: Benji and Esther Campbell, Wcyliffe Bible Translators, Papua, New Guinea Anne D, India Tim and Lois Hunter Spoken Worldwide
Campus Ministry:
A ministry that has been sustained by First Presbyterian Church in partnership with the Flint River Presbytery for over 25 years. This faithful outreach continues under the strong leadership of Katie Minich, Director of Campus Ministries, working alongside the churches and the students. Members not only fund the program, but weekly serve lunch and build friendships at […]